Wednesday, December 1, 2010


examine closely; focus one's attention on

x-y scatter chart

with a single charted series has one set of X data and one set of Y data.


 sheet of paper with multiple columns

work cited

in Your Paper. Consider using EndNote or RefWorks to keep track of your sources and to format in-text

work book

a student's book or booklet containing problems with spaces for solving them

work area

Work Area in telecommunication system is the collection of all cable components between a horizontal-wiring wallplate or LAN outlet and end-user telecomm devices, such as telephones, data terminals, computers, modems, etc.

word art

WordArt is a text-styling feature that is available in the Microsoft Office suite of products. It allows users to create stylized text with various "special effects" such as textures, outlines, and many other manipulations that are not available through the standard font formatting.